Press and public relations

We are very happy to support you with prepared documents. In the following you will find the press releases sorted by topicality as well as some factsheets on current topics.

We are available for interview appointments, further information and open questions.


Juliana Metyko-Papousek, Bakk.phil.
Press and public relations
Tel.: +43 1 599 37 – 82

Press releases

Presseinformationen zum Welt-AIDS-Tag 2024

Campaign material

Kampagne "Lust auf Reden! Gemeinsam für Sexuelle GEsundheit"

Hier gehts zur Website

Zero Discrimination Day 2022

Hier geht es zu den Kampagnenmaterialien


Zero Discrimination Day 2021

On the occasion of Zero Discrimination Day on 1 March, UNAIDS calls for an end to discrimination against people living with HIV.

Denn Diskriminierung und Ungleichheit in Bezug auf Einkommen, Klasse, ethnische Zugehörigkeit, Religion, Geschlecht und Geschlechtsidentität, sexuelle Orientierung, Alter, Gesundheitszustand, Behinderung oder Drogenkonsum stellen Barrieren im Kampf gegen HIV/AIDS sowie die COVID-19 Pandemie dar.

In this context, Aids Hilfe Wien points out that prejudices and lack of knowledge about HIV can lead to discrimination. It is important to know that an effective therapy suppresses the HIV virus in the body - to below the detection limit - so that it cannot be passed on in everyday life or during sex. It is necessary to deal with HIV-positive people without discrimination, because this is the key to early diagnosis and treatment of the HIV infection.

More information on HIV can be found here.

General information on test offers can be found here.

#zerodiscriminationday2021 #endsexism #endracism #enddiscrimination #endtransphobia #endqueerphobia #weareequal



On the occasion of World Hepatitis Day, we also support the World Hepatitis Alliance's awareness campaign. It is estimated that in Austria, too, between 20,000 and 40,000 people are (unknowingly) living with a hepatitis C infection, as this can run asymptomatically over a longer period of time.

"Fight prejudice with knowledge" campaign

On the occasion of the Zero Discrimination Day proclaimed by UNAIDS on 01.03., Aids Hilfe Wien draws attention to the discrimination of HIV-positive people in the health care system. The question "Do you treat me differently?" is intended to raise awareness of the fact that discrimination in health care can occur on the basis of a wide variety of characteristics and that people living with HIV are often affected by multiple discrimination. That's not okay. Fight prejudice with knowledge too and draw attention to this important issue by sharing our campaign!

Campaign "I want to know - The AIDS help centers inform".

Campaign Film

Download: Plakat Wie funktioniert das eigentlich mit der Liebe?

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All photos, graphics, videos, sounds, etc. on our website are protected by law. Only the materials provided in the media database may be used in the context of editorial reporting.

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