… für Pflegeschulen und -einrichtungen, Haftanstalten, Flüchtlingseinrichtungen, Jugendliche.
Today an HIV infection has become a well-treatable, chronic disease if it is diagnosed in time and therapy is started accordingly at an early stage. In order to further deepen knowledge about HIV/AIDS and to increase acceptance, Aids Hilfe Wien offers workshops for institutions in the health and social sectors as well as for companies and other interested institutions. Depending on the target group, these include topics from the medical, legal, psychosocial and social context.
Die Aids Hilfe Wien bietet die Möglichkeit, im Rahmen von speziellen Workshops Personen aus dem Bereich der (Kranken-)Pflege zu schulen. Diese können dann im jeweiligen Arbeitssetting ihr Wissen entsprechend verwenden.
We are also happy to inform groups about HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. The workshop offer is aimed at employees or clients of institutions who regularly come into contact with HIV, but can also be booked by migrant self-organisations.
Contents of the workshops
Our multiprofessional team of speakers provides competent information on the following topics:
Katalin Kovacs
Availability: Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tel.: 01/599 37 – 95 E-Mail: kovacs@aids-hilfe-wien.at