Youth work

Aids Hilfe Wien offers workshops on HIV/AIDS, sexuality and the correct use of condoms for young people aged 14 and over. The aim of the workshop is to promote a competent and self-determined approach to sexuality.



Katalin Kovacs

Availability: Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 17:00

Tel.: 01/599 37 – 95


Workshops for young people

For young people, the topic of sexuality is interesting and exciting. Now is the ideal time to learn how to deal responsibly with sexuality and the possible risks - valuable knowledge for many years to come. Especially at this age, however, it is often difficult to address intimate questions to teachers or parents.

The workshops of Aids Hilfe Wien are specially tailored to young people. Trained sex educators provide resource- and life-orientated basic information about sexual health.

Workshop contents

The workshops are interactive. Taking into account the young people's prior knowledge and questions, these topics are developed:

  • Body knowledge as the basis of risk assessment
  • HIV and other sexually transmitted infections
  • Prevention and protection
  • Gender diversity and sexual orientations
  • Sexual rights, sexual consensus
  • Condom application with presenter model

Target groups

The workshops can take place in school and out-of-school settings. Target group are:

  • Young people from the 8th grade
  • Schools and youth institutions from Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland

Basic workshops for school classes/youth groups have this structure:

  • 2 hours
  • 2 workshop leaders
  • Kleingruppen (bis max. 15 Personen)
  • Participation of the teacher/chaperone not required
  • Indoor implementation in 1-2 classrooms or in the Aids Hilfe Haus
  • Bei Bedarf kann ein Elterninformationsabend per Zoom oder MS Teams gebucht werden. Hier gehts zum Elternbrief als Download
  • Online (Zoom or MS Teams) with virtual whiteboard if desired. Confidential questions from students are answered in the (anonymous) chat room.

Total cost for 2h workshop per class (2 groups)

€ 237,60 

Vertiefend kann ein 1h Zusatzmodul zu WS-Themenschwerpunkten (z.B. Antidiskriminierung) gebucht werden.  Die Kosten betragen:  € 118,80

Für Wiener Schulen: Unser Angebot bei den Bildungschancen

Become an expert yourself

Further training for teachers and multipliers working with adolescents and young adults

We support teachers and educators in dealing with the topics of sexuality and health independently and interactively in the classroom. In our training courses, we use tried and tested methods to show how the topic of sexual health can be taught in an age-appropriate way in the classroom.

  • Easy to book
  • Flexible
  • Quality assured


Katalin Kovacs

Availability: Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 17:00

Tel.: 01/599 37 – 95




Let's talk about sex(-uality). Our new brochure for download.

The desire to talk - together for sexual health Manual for multipliers

We want to talk about sexual health. You can download our manual for multipliers in youth work here. 


The Aids Hilfe Wien supports both educators as well as young people in clarifying open questions about sexual health.

Kinder-Und Jugendschutzkonzept

Eine der Kernaufgaben unserer Organisation sehen wir darin, dass offener über sexuelle Gesundheit gesprochen wird. Dazu braucht es Vertrauen und einen geschützten Rahmen.

Kinder und Jugendliche sind eine vulnerable Zielgruppe, weshalb ihr Schutz für uns größte Priorität hat.

Um uns klar gegen alle Formen von Gewalt an Kindern und Jugendlichen zu positionieren und um zu signalisieren wie wichtig uns deren Wohlergehen ist, haben wir als Organisation unsere Verantwortung wahrgenommen und unsere Strukturen, Abläufe und Gegebenheiten vor Ort analysiert und evaluiert.

Das hier vorliegende Kinder- und Jugendschutzkonzept soll die Qualität unserer Angebote sichern und auch zu stetigen Verbesserungen beitragen. 


Workshops und Material: Katalin Kovacs
Erreichbarkeit: Montag – Freitag: 10.00 – 17.00  – Tel.: 01/599 37 – 95 E-Mail:

Kinder- und Jugendschutzbeauftrage: Martina Trimmel

Stellvertretung der Kinder- und Jugendschutzbeauftragen: Barbara Murero-Holzbauer

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