The psychological counseling service of Aids Hilfe Wien is anonymous & free of charge and is aimed at HIV-positive persons, their relatives and anyone who would like counseling on the topic of sexual health.
Have you recently been diagnosed with HIV or have been living with HIV for some time and would like to talk to a psychologist about it?
It is often difficult to come to terms with the HIV diagnosis alone, to answer the many questions about HIV yourself and to cope with difficult feelings such as anger, sadness, fear or loneliness.
You have the opportunity to address all of these topics in personal, free counselling sessions (up to 10 sessions per topic are generally possible). If necessary, you will be put in touch with other counselling centres and therapy options.
Appointment 01 / 599 37-30 ein kostenfreies persönliches Gespräch mit einem*einer Psychologen*Psychologin telefonisch unter
You have questions about your HIV therapy, would like detailed medical information about HIV or a second medical opinion? Then make an appointment.
We will gladly inform you about contact possibilities to HIV specialists in hospitals or in private practice.