Test services

The tests offered by Aids Hilfe Wien include a short personal pre-test chat with our counsellors, the blood sample or the test procedure and the information on the results. The short preliminary talk serves to assess the risk and select the test. Together with the counsellors we will clarify which test is suitable for you.   

In addition, you can ask questions about your sexual health and specific topics such as PEP, PrEP, ChemSex, etc. as part of our counselling services (outside of testing times).

The anonymous HIV lab test is free of charge, all other tests can be done for a contribution towards expenses.   


Basically, everyone should know their own HIV status. Only then can you take care of your own health and that of your (sexual) partners. An early HIV diagnosis also enables an early start of therapy. On the one hand, this has a very positive influence on the course of the disease, and on the other hand, it prevents new infections, since HIV-positive people cannot pass on the virus when they are receiving effective therapy.


HIV-Labor-Test (anonymous) free of charge

HIV-FastTest (anonymous) 30 Euro

HIV PCR Test (anonym)                                            79 Euro 

You will receive the results of the HIV laboratory test and PCR test - exclusively in person - 1 week after the test during the results discussion. You will receive the results of your HIV rapid test on the same day, whereby a reactive ("positive") test result requires confirmation by means of an HIV laboratory test. 

How the Test works

  • HIV laboratory test: venous blood sampling
  • HIV rapid test: capillary blood from the fingertip
  • HIV PCR test: venous blood sampling

Informative value

An HIV test is only meaningful a few weeks after the risk has been taken (in this context, one also speaks of the "diagnostic window"):

  • HIV-PCR-Test: 2 weeks after the risk
  • HIV-Labor-Test: 6 weeks after the risk
  • HIV-Schnelltest: 12 Wochen nach Risiko

During the counseling session, you and the counselor will decide which test is best for you.

Information on the result

You have the possibility to check your results by phone or to receive a notification by SMS if a positive or inconclusive test result is available.

Please indicate at your test appointment which variant you would like to choose.

Frequently asked questions


HIV is the abbreviation for "Human Immunodeficiency Virus". HIV infection is usually accompanied by flu-like symptoms shortly after infection....
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How is HIV transmitted?

Infection most commonly occurs through one of these body fluids: Blood, semen, or vaginal fluid. The highest risk therefore occurs during unprotected anal and vaginal intercourse,...
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How does HIV therapy work?

The drugs used in HIV therapy prevent HI viruses from multiplying. As a result, no new viruses are created, the immune system can stabilize and thus remains functional,...
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  • At the Aids Hilfe Vienna. Here you can take an HIV test anonymously and free of charge.
  • With established (general) practitioners. You can find them on the website of the Vienna Medical Association. Find out in advance about blood collection times, test offers and cost coverage.
  • In laboratories that perform HIV tests. You can find a list of recommended laboratories on the website of the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection. Find out in advance about anonymity, blood collection times, test offers and cost coverage.

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An acute hepatitis infection often goes unnoticed and is therefore easily passed on unknowingly. A test brings certainty. In the case of hepatitis B and C, early diagnosis and timely initiation of treatment are crucial to avoid serious damage to health. While there is a very good chance of a cure for chronic hepatitis C, chronic hepatitis B is usually not curable. Vaccination is therefore highly recommended.


For a fee, you can take a hepatitis B and C test. Due to the legal obligation to register, a photo ID is required for the test.

Hepatitis B&C Test                                           30 Euro

Hepatitis B-Test                                               20 Euro 

Hepatitis C-Test                                               19 Euro

Hepatitis B-Titerbestimmung                             10 Euro

You will receive the result of the hepatitis test one week after the blood sample has been taken. You are also welcome to ask for it by phone during our telephone consultation hours at 01/599 37 - 8426.

How the Test works

venous blood sampling

Informative value

The time between infection and the appearance of the disease is two weeks to six months for hepatitis B and hepatitis C (incubation period). If you are not currently vaccinated against hepatitis B, a titer test is recommended. During the counseling session, you and your counselor will decide whether a hepatitis test is necessary for you.

Information on the result

You have the possibility to check your results by phone or to receive a notification by SMS if a positive or inconclusive test result is available.

Please indicate at your test appointment which variant you would like to choose.

Frequently asked questions

What is hepatitis?

There are many different types of hepatitis (A, B, C, D, E). These viruses are much easier to transmit than HIV. There is no preventive protection for every type of hepatitis....
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How is Hepatitis transmitted?

In hepatitis B, the virus enters your body through blood or other body fluids during: - anal sex, blowing or vaginal sex without a condom, sharing toothbrushes, razors, nail scissors, etc. unsterile tattooing, - sharing drugs.
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In hepatitis B, drug treatment depends on the severity of the course. If the body is not able to fight the hepatitis B viruses sufficiently,...
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Syphilis progresses in several stages and often brings no clear symptoms. Without treatment, however, it can have life-threatening consequences. In case of disease, timely treatment is important to avoid long-term damage.


At the Aids Hilfe Wien you can take a syphilis test anonymously for a fee.

 Syphilis Test                                             15 Euro 

You will receive the result of the syphilis test one week after the blood sample has been taken. You are also welcome to ask for it by phone during our telephone consultation hours at 01/599 37 - 8426

How the Test works

venous blood sampling

Informative value

A syphilis infection can be ruled out for sure three weeks after a potential risk contact, provided there has been no syphilis infection in the past. In this case, we ask you to inform your counsellor of this during the interview.

Information on the result

You have the possibility to check your results by phone or to receive a notification by SMS if a positive or inconclusive test result is available.

Please indicate at your test appointment which variant you would like to choose.

Frequently asked questions

What is syphilis?

Syphilis is a disease caused by a bacterium that can affect the entire body. Infection occurs almost exclusively through sexual contact.
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Who should do a syphilis test?

A syphilis test is recommended for you - after protected or unprotected sex - if you and/or your sexual partner belong to one of the following groups: MSM, trans, sex worker,....
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Penicillin is still the drug of choice in all stages of syphilis and also during pregnancy and lactation. In case of penicillin allergy, the treating physician decides on the further course of action.
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Currently only possible by appointment!

Chlamydia and gonorrhea

Chlamydia and Gonnorhoea (Gonorrhoea) are curable, bacterial infections that can also be transmitted during safe sex. Condoms reduce the risk of infection, but not completely. Untreated chlamydia infections can lead to infertility. Untreated gonorrhoea infections can lead to inflammation of the internal sex organs, infertility and joint inflammation on the fingertips..


For a fee you can do a self-smear test for chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Selbstabstrich-Test auf Chlamydien und Tripper   36 Euro


How the Test works

Men: oral and rectal self-smears; genital via urine sample
Women: oral, vaginal and rectal self-smears; genital via urine sample

  • For the urine sample, you shouldn't have urinated within the last two hours before giving the sample.
  • It is not possible to test for chlamydia and gonorrhoea during menstruation.


Informative value

A negative smear result for chlamydia means that an infection can be ruled out up to 3 weeks before it is carried out, for gonorrhoea already up to 2 weeks.

Information on the result

You have the possibility to check your results by phone or to receive a notification by SMS if a positive or inconclusive test result is available.

Please indicate at your test appointment which variant you would like to choose.

Frequently asked questions

How are chlamydia & gonorrhea transmitted?

Infection is possible during all sexual practices involving direct contact with infectious mucous membranes and fluids. Transmission possible...
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Who should take a chlamydia and gonorrhea test?

The smear test is recommended for all sexually active people, especially ...
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Is there a chlamydia and gonorrhea therapy?

The treatment is carried out with antibiotics. During treatment, sexual activity must be avoided.
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