How do the vaccines work?

The first two vaccines on the European market (from BioNTech/Pfizer and from Moderna) are m-RNA vaccines. The "m" stands for messenger, RNA for ribonucleic acid. Messenger RNA is, so to speak, the "blueprint" for RNA genetic material, i.e. it is not part of the actual genetic material. It is only found in the cell plasma, not in the cell nucleus, and is rapidly degraded. The m-RNA in the vaccines transports information for the genetic material of the covid 19 pathogen SARS-CoV-2 into the "protein factories" of the human cells (ribosomes). There, new virus proteins are then created.
When infected with SARS-CoV-2, all the proteins for new viruses are created in the human ribosomes. In the two m-RNA vaccines, the ribosomes only produce the characteristic "spike" protein of the virus. It is not enough to make new viruses, but it triggers a defence reaction in the body: The immune system forms antibodies and "arms" its defence cells.

When infected with SARS-CoV-2, the human ribosomes produce all the proteins for new viruses. In the two m-RNA vaccines, the ribosomes only produce the characteristic "spike" protein of the virus. It is not enough to make new viruses, but it triggers a defence reaction in the body: The immune system forms antibodies and "arms" its defence cells.

Die beiden anderen zugelassenen Impfstoffe von Astra-Zeneca  und Johnson&Johnson sind sogenannte Vektor-Impfstoffe. Hier trägt ein verändertes, harmloses Adenovirus die genetische Information für das Spike-Protein des SARS-CoV-2-Virus in die Zelle und löst so eine Immunreaktion aus. Aktuell werden diese Impfstoffe nicht mehr eingesetzt.

Der fünfte zugelassene Impfstoff ist Novavax (Nuvaxovid) wird zur Vorbeugung von COVID-19 bei Personen ab 18 Jahren. Dabei handelt es sich um einen proteinbasierten Impfstoff, der in einem 2-Dosen-Schema im Abstand von etwa drei Wochen verabreicht.  Er kann bisher noch off label – auch als Drittimpfung in Anspruch genommen werden.

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