

Europäische Testwoche: 18.-25. November 2024


Die Europäische HIV- und Hepatitis-Testwoche

To create awareness and motivate to test! These are the goals of the Austrian European Testing Week initiative. This was launched by the AIDS-Hilfe Österreichs together with medical societies and is now supported by the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection and many other institutions and bodies.


The ETW Initiative in Europe

The European HIV and Hepatitis Testing Week initiative involves more than 400 organisations from 53 countries. Since the start of the initiative, the platform has grown rapidly, with new members joining every year. Medical professionals, politicians, self-help groups and many NGOs are pulling together to finally offer HIV and hepatitis testing to as many people as possible, to openly communicate infection risks and to counteract discrimination against HIV-positive and stigmatised groups. Since 2018, the Spring European Testing Week has also been taking place for this purpose.

Where can I get tested

Have you ever had an HIV or hepatitis test? Talk to your doctor about the risks of infection and get tested. An anonymous and free HIV test is also available at your regional Aids Hilfe. You can find information about the HIV and hepatitis test and increased risks of infection in the patient information leaflet.

Aids Hilfe Wien

Mariahilfer Gürtel 4, 1060 Vienna | T: +43 1 599  37

Herrensauna Kaiserbründl – Testaktion für MSM und Transpersonen

21. November, 17- 21 Uhr

Weihburggasse 18-20, 1010 Wien

Testungen: Gratis HIV- und Hepatitis-Schnelltests


Das Gugg – Testaktion für queere Jugendliche

28. November, 17 – 21 Uhr

Heumühlgasse 14/1, 1040 Wien

Testungen: Gratis HIV- und Hepatitis-Schnelltest

AidsHilfe Oberösterreich

Blütenstrasse 15/2,4040

Aidshilfe Salzburg

Innsbrucker Bundesstraße 47, 5020 Salzburg | T: +43 662 88 14 88


AIDS Hilfe Steiermark

Hans-Sachs-Gasse 3, 8010 Graz | T: +43 316 81 50 50

Bezirkstour Voitsberg

Rot-Kreuz-Gasse 1, 8570 Voitsberg

25. November, 16 – 19 Uhr

Testungen: HIV-Antikörper-Antigen (kostenlos + anonym)

                  Syphilis, Chlamydien, Tripper, Hepatitis B + C um 45 Euro



AIDS-Hilfe Tirol

Kaiser-Josef-Straße 13, 6020 Innsbruck | T: +43 512 56 36 21

Beratung und Testung für intravenös Drogenkonsumierende

In Kooperation mit der Mentlvilla

Datum                  Donnerstag, 23. November 2023

Zeit                        11:00 – 14:00 Uhr

Ort                         Mentlvilla, Mentlgasse 20, Innsbruck

HIV Labortest und Hepatitis C AK-Schnelltest – anonym und kostenlos



Queerer Gesundheitsabend – Fit for Love-Check

In Kooperation mit der HOSI Tirol

Datum                  Freitag, 24. November 2023

Zeit                        19:00 – 21:00 Uhr

Ort                         HOSI Tirol, Kapuzinergasse 43, Innsbruck

HIV-Labortest und Syphilis AK (auf Wunsch auch HIV-Schnelltest) – anonym und kostenlos


Aidshilfe Vorarlberg

Kaspar-Hagen-Straße 5, I. Stock, 6900 Bregenz | T: + 43 5574 46 5 26


Am Standort der Aidshilfe Vorarlberg (siehe oben)

19.11.2024 zwischen 16.30 Uhr und 19.00 Uhr

Checkpoint aidsHilfe Kärnten

Bahnhofstraße 22 im 1. Stock, 9020 Klagenfurt | T: (0463) 55 128



Do., 07.11. von 10:00 bis 13:00 Uhr – Streetwork Klagenfurt

Mo., 11.11. von 15:00 bis 17:00 Uhr – AspHALT Wolfsberg

Do., 14.11. von 15:00 bis 17:00 Uhr – Streetwork Villach

Do., 21.11. von 14:00 bis 16:00 Uhr – Junique Spittal a.d. Drau



Burgenland Testung


HIV & Hepatitis


HIV is most frequently transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse. The risk of infection depends on various factors. For example, the risk of infection is relatively high with anal sex and very low with oral sex, but other parameters also influence the probability of infection. After sex without a condom, therefore, only an HIV test can ultimately bring certainty.

Do you know your HIV status? Still too many people living with HIV do not know about their infection and that they themselves are or were at risk. However, timely treatment is an important prerequisite for maximum therapy success. It positively influences the course of the disease and helps to prevent new infections (which also reduces the financial expenditure of the health system). 

Info for doctors

Unfortunately, the HIV test is offered far too rarely in medical practice and during routine examinations. Especially in heterosexual people, the diagnosis is often made late. Doctors can find information and guidelines here on when an HIV test should be offered. The anonymous and free testing service offered by the Austrian AIDS support organisations is primarily available to particularly vulnerable population groups - gay or bisexual men, trans people, sex workers and migrants from high-prevalence countries.


There are many different types of hepatitis (A, B, C, D, E). These viruses are much easier to transmit than HIV. There is no preventive protection for every type of hepatitis. Despite the possibility of vaccination against hepatitis A and B, many people still become infected with these viruses.

Undiagnosed and accordingly untreated, these infections can lead to liver damage, the development of cirrhosis or carcinoma. The majority of people with hepatitis C are unaware of the infection - therefore only a small proportion in Europe (about 3.5%) are treated. Today, there is a very good chance of cure for hepatitis C infection with appropriate treatment. Despite the high costs, the new therapies are already paid for in some cases. In principle, early diagnosis is very important, as appropriate behavior can prevent further spread. Population groups with an increased risk of hepatitis usually also have an increased risk of HIV.


Interested in participating in the European HIV-Hepatitis Testing Week? Would you like to inform about your testing offer? You can report your planned activities here:

How you can participate as a doctor or employee of a medical institution (e.g. hospital)...

How you can participate as a participant...

How they can participate as an institution for particularly vulnerable population groups...

For doctors: Report test offers

European HIV-Hepatitis Testing Week is a good opportunity to proactively offer testing in your clinic/facility. If you email us at your clinic, address and opening hours, this information will be published on the website. For more information on HIV indicator diseases and HIV and hepatitis infection risks, see Materials & Press.

Materialien & Presse

Flyer: Allgemeine Informationen zum Thema HIV

This folder provides information in German on how infection and protection against HIV work.

Besser Blasen

Flyer: Better blowing

You want to know about the risks doing a blow job? (Only in German!)

Flyer: PEP - First aid after a sex accident

This folder provides information in German on how PEP works after a sexual accident. (Only in German!)

Flyer Hepatitis A

Information on hepatitis A

Flyer Hepatitis B

Information on hepatitis B

Flyer Hepatitis C

Information on hepatitis C

Die Europäische Testwoche wird unterstützt von:

Prress Contact

Juliana Metyko-Papousek, Bakk.phil.
Press and public relations
Tel.: +43 1 599 37 – 82

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